Idahoans are More Nervous About Getting Sick from THIS Than the Flu
When you start feeling a little under the weather, what's your first step in getting a diagnosis for what's really wrong with you?
The smart answer is go see your family doctor or pop into a Primary Health clinic somewhere in the Treasure Valley, but most of do the worst thing possible: Google our symptoms. Don't be embarrassed if you think I'm talking about you. Up until my sister started working at the Mayo Clinic, I used to do the same thing (now I just text her.) Do you know how many times I've thought I had cancer or was waiting to be told I need some major operation because I put my symptoms into WebMD? More times than I care to admit!
With the wealth of knowledge the Internet puts at our fingertips, it's understandable that we turn to Dr. Google for some insight. So what are Idahoans most worried about making them sick? Not a cold or respiratory infection. Not influenza.
The most Googled medical symptom in Idaho is "Symptoms of E. Coli."
Considering Idaho ended up with a lot of people who fell ill after eating Romaine Lettuce contaminated by E. Coli a few months ago and the fact that it's not uncommon for one of the popular beaches around the Treasure Valley to close due to E. Coli in the water, we're not overly surprise.
Data determined by a study performed by MedicareHealthPlans.com.