Idaho Football Fans Drink the Most at Tailgate Parties
Idaho is #1 this football season, and it doesn't have anything to do with what's happening on the field. Tailgaters here say they will drink nine alcoholic beverages per tailgate, per game, and that's more than any other state. Really?
Before you plan to get too wild, you need to know what Boise State Police will be watching for.
Offers.com asked football fans about their tailgating preferences from the food to drinks to places to shop to stock up on supplies, and apparently, Idaho fans will be throwing some pretty huge parties this fall.
In Idaho, beer is the tailgating beverage of choice, and 42 percent of Idaho consumers said they'll drink nine or more alcohol drinks, per tailgate, this season. Wow! They must be starting the tailgate parties at the crack of dawn to get in all of those drinks before kickoff since we're sure it's just one drink per hour to stay in semi-control. Mmm hmm. No other state comes close to this level of tailgate drinking. In fact, Utah and Wisconsin tailgaters plan to down five or six drinks per party, and they're in second place to Idaho's nine.
Boise State Police will be keeping an eye on things this fall, and they will shut down a tailgate party if they need to, according to Boise Weekly. BSU police have a "zero tolerance policy" on alcohol abuse, inappropriate behavior, and underage drinking, and they can step in and put a stop to things at their discretion. Nine drinks per person would do it, if it gets rowdy.
Hot dogs and tacos tied as the top tailgating foods, and cornhole is the favorite tailgating game in Idaho, according to the survey. Nine drinks or not, this will be a fun football season with plenty to look forward to.
Boise State plays at Troy this Saturday, and the first home game is coming up against Connecticut on September 8th. Tailgaters will be ready.
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