Boise State Grad Wants to Crowdfund His Business
Graduating from college is a huge accomplishment and also scary as heck because, well now what? One recent grad is looking to crowdfund the startup costs for his new business.
Will Bardezbain just graduated from Boise State with a bachelor's in communication and a minor in business, and he said his goal now is to launch a new business called Idahome Moving Co. Will says he's been saving up to get the business started but needs a boost of capital to buy a truck and get the business up and running before the summer moving rush.
Moving is exhausting and frustrating and we say we'll never do it again and we stick to that promise right up until the moment we find ourselves doing it again, right? Moving and childbirth are one and the same. They're painful, but the end result is so good that it makes us have amnesia about the process and we don't remember how awful the whole thing was until it's happening again and we're too far in to quit. If Will is willing to take away some of the stress of moving, then more power to him.
Forbes said crowdfunding is still going strong but pointed out too that it's HARD. You've got to be careful about scammers and bots finding their way to your page, and also know that the funds raised are taxable. And, do the people who chip in get a share of the profits from the business? There's a fine line between being an investor and a donor when it comes to crowdfunding a business.
I'm a bargain hunter and a coupon clipper because I love it and it makes me feel good, but there are some things I will splurge on and not feel bad about it like a great vacation, a Michael Kors jet set handbag, and movers! These things make life better. I'm sure Will will do very well. He's already got a great name for the business.
To view the GoFundMe, click HERE. And keep the stories coming, budding entrepreneurs. We love knowing what you're up to, and what new things might be coming to the Treasure Valley. Good luck.