Just yesterday, President Joe Biden released his long-standing campaign promise of student loan forgiveness. On the campaign trail, among Democratic candidates, this was a hot topic. Senator Bernie Sanders really lead the way on making this discussion front and center, forcing other candidates to address it. While Biden never committed to as bold of a plan as Sanders had proposed--he did say that he would be there for Americans buried in student debt.

After a long wait and a 2-year COVID-19 pause on federally held student loan payments, President Joe Biden has made his decision on how to help those struggling with student debt:


    Of course, Idahoans have a lot to say about the issue online...





The overwhelming consensus seems to be that a little help for young adults or folks still digging their way out of student debt is ok. Let us know what you think about this or how it impacts you, in the comments.

What Practical Skills Should Idaho Kids Learn in School?

While we love and support our teachers, the people of Boise have strong opinions on the things our Idaho schools should be teaching our students. What would you add to the list?

Idaho's Best Public High Schools

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Historic Idaho School House Converted Into Exquisite 16 Bedroom Home

The Roosevelt Inn is currently owned by John and Tina Hough (yes, Derek and Julianne Hough's aunt and uncle.) They're hoping to sell it as a home or bed and breakfast so they can retire to Texas before John's 65th Birthday.



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