An Idaho Man Breaks His Own World Record And It Leaves a Mark
We've got a serial Guinness World Record breaker in Idaho, and after someone else beat his time balancing a long object on his forehead he reclaimed the title and got the mark to prove it.
David Rush has broken more than 150 Guinness records to promote STEM education, and he's accomplished that by juggling various objects, balancing things on his head, and even wrapping his wife in saran wrap from head to toe. I have so many questions about so many things, but we'll start with congratulations on this latest feat.
David Rush previously held the record for longest duration balancing an object on the head, but then someone beat his time and swiped the title from him. To get it back, Rush ended up balancing a 2-pound, 3-ounce garden hoe on his head for 2 hours, 36 minutes, and 6 seconds and he was able to recapture the record.
To balance anything on our heads other than a cotton ball for longer than thirty seconds seems like an incredible feat, but then again, maybe we don't know how long we could balance an apple, a mug of beer, or even a garden hoe on our crowns because we've never had the ambition to try it. Maybe these things should be 2021 goals and we could get a little further down the road to self-discovery.
In the 2 and a half hours that he was working on the record, Rush rotated between three different standing positions to support his muscles and prevent cramping. He said it took physical and mental stamina to make it happen, and he's happy with the result. I think it was his wife who was filming the video and you can hear her ask in the background if she can make a smoothie while he's doing this. They're fun! She didn't make a smoothie and he broke the record, and they're living happily ever after.
Rush and his wife also broke the record recently for the fastest time to wrap a person in cling/plastic wrap. They said it took a dozen attempts plus practices and they were able to shave 2 seconds off the previous mark of 1 minute 59 seconds. It took less than a minute to unravel which is good because cling wrap is literally a hot mess and it might be best on potato salad.
Oh, and about that red and yellow patch on his forehead from the hoe balancing act, he did say that faded after a few hours so the only mark that's left is the big fat one on the world record books. And the mark on Idaho of course. We're continually amazed by our people.
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