All This Free Stuff Could be Yours!
WOW! I love free stuff and thanks to our wonderful Komen Race for the Cure Lite FM Breast Friends team sponsor Keller Skin Care, you receive the following fitness bag filled with Keller Skin Care goodies:
Sunscreen, a water bottle, a pedometer, hand fan, Breast Cancer Fact bookmark & samples of the Image Skin Care Line. In addition, each bag will receive a coupon for $250 off an Ultherapy Brow Lift, $20 off any Spa service, and $400 off any to two sites of CoolScultpting. Plus there will be four tickets to our Boise Music Festival with Train, June 28that Expo Idaho.
The only way to get all these cool prizes is to register for the Keller Skin Care Lite Fm Breast friends before the deadline, April 30th. After April 30th, team registrations close but individual registration will still be open.
Click here to get connected to my 5K walking team, The Lite FM Breast Friends and I’ll see you at the 16th Annual Susan G. Komen Race For The Cure, Saturday, May 10th.
Make it a healthy day!