Years ago, we had high hopes that some of these businesses would have moved into the old Gordman's location on Parkcenter Boulevard but Albertsons bought the property for something use that we can't really wrap out minds around.

Is it a prototype store used for testing new concepts? Is it office space? We may never know, because that large space in the Southshore Shopping center isn't open to the public. We just know it didn't become any of the things that we wanted it to be. ::cough:: Target ::cough::

About a year after Albertsons purchased the former Gordmans, the Shopko store less than two miles away closed. I live in the neighborhood and the last thing that I wanted to see was such a large space stay empty, so naturally I started dreaming. What could move in there that my neighbors and I would love?

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We came up with some solid ideas, but unfortunately it doesn't look like they'll come to be either. Our friend Don at BoiseDev shared that a California-based company called LDK Ventures is planning to renovate the space into a warehouse and lease it out. Not exactly a thrilling use to those of us living in the neighborhood. I almost rather it continue to become our neighborhood Spirit Halloween store like its been the last two years.

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I'm not sure how much progress is actually being made on the project, but there's a couple of large storage containers in the parking lot right now. We'll have to wait and see what happens.

In the meantime, here's a few things that we thing would've been AWESOME to have in that building.

5 Things We Wished Would Have Moved Into the Broadway Shopko

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