Yesterday had been a pretty clam weather day. Warm, a little bit overcast, and then suddenly around 6 p.m., what I heard some call a microburst hit my neighborhood.
Well, I'm irritated. I know in the grand scheme of things, this is minor, but as I left the office last night, walking up to my car I could see it. I had a new scratch and dent in my door.
If you've been floating the Boise River or enjoying most sections of the Greenbelt, you may have forgotten that just a couple months ago many places along the trail were damaged.
No doubt, one of the best parts of the Boise area is our outdoor recreation, and the Greenbelt is certainly at the top of the list. After flood damage, repairs are kicking into gear.
If it's been a while since you last visited Ann Morrison Park, get ready, it doesn't quite look like the picture at this moment. Flooding from the Boise River has done some real damage.
If you've driven around the Treasure Valley over our winter months, you've likely encountered potholes. For many, they were severe enough to damage cars.
No matter where you were in the Treasure Valley last night, I'm sure you experienced at least part of the storm that moved through. At my house in Meridian, we got a little bit of everything.
I was gassing up my car today at Fred Meyer on Federal. I stopped and looked over at Table Rock and it just made me sad. That's a very special place and it hurts to see it.