Report of Threats Made to Caldwell High School
With how sensitive the topic is in our country at the present moment, it's no surprise that school officials are taking every precaution to make sure that their students and staff remain safe. Schools must take any type of threat seriously. Whether it's in the form of a phone call, social media post, or graffiti on school property.
Several reports from parents of students at Caldwell High School on social media said they were received a message that said if students and their parents felt unsafe, they have the option to leave with an excused absence.
We reached out to Caldwell High School and the Caldwell School District.
They shared with us the message that was sent to parents by the Principal:
Good Morning CHS Parents and Guardians:
Caldwell High has had several graffiti incidents in the past several weeks. Some of these incidents have involved threats to school safety. The most recent involves a threat on 2/28/18. The threat is not directed at any individual or time specifically. We are investigating the situation and have involved the Caldwell Police Department. We have examined the information we have so far and determined that no credible evidence substantiates this threat. However, because we take threats seriously, we will have additional police presence.We have taken steps to ensure safety throughout the school including increased student supervision, increased bathroom monitoring, increased security sweeps of the facility, review and practice of all procedures with students and staff.Our goal is to make Caldwell High safe everyday. If you choose to keep your child home on 2/28, please call to excuse him or her.We want you to know that the safety and security of each and every student and staff member is always our first priority. We constantly try to give students the opportunity to share concerns with staff. Please encourage your student to contact Caldwell High School Administration or the Caldwell Police Department if they ever learn of or hear of any kind of threat. Parents, if you hear of or are aware of any kind of threat, please contact Caldwell High School Administration at 455-3304 or the Caldwell Police Department at 454-7531.Thank-you for your attention to this matter, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Caldwell High School at 455-3304.
Anita WilsonPrincipal,Caldwell High School
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