When it comes to movies, one of my favorite genres of all time has to be horror. I love scary movies, I love movies that make you squirm, and I wish I could explain to you why that is. I’m sure there’s some psychology involved as to why people like myself have such a passion for these kinds of movies. Maybe it’s the fact that you can turn literally anything into a horror film (Winne the Pooh, anyone?) or maybe it’s because when I watch a horror movie, I always put myself in the character’s shoes and ask myself “What if that was me?”

Regardless of what the reason is, today I am asking a different “what if?” This time it’s what would happen if I took various Idaho landmarks and used that as a basis for a horror movie. You know – similar to how a horror movie was made that was centered around the Old Idaho Penitentiary. I took various landmarks and wrote up a brief synopsis for each as if it was an actual horror film. Which movie would you see? Do you have any ideas that you think would fit these? Let me know and let’s get into it!

Our Ultimate Wishlist of Movies We Want Made About Idaho

These horror movies inspired by Idaho don't exist but I sure wish they did! Here are five horror movies I came up with that are inspired by Idaho... what horror movie would you make?

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

Horror Movie That Takes Place in Boise is Now Streaming

'Paranormal Prison' is now streaming on Amazon Prime. Have you seen it?

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

The 15 Most Haunted Places In The Treasure Valley

The Boise area is full of ghosts! These are the 15 places that you are most likely going to have a run-in with the paranormal.

Gallery Credit: Marco

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