The West Valley Humane Society is embarking on a transformative mission to improve the lives of the dogs in their care with the launch of a new project: The "Raise the Ruff" Project.

This initiative's focus is to make the living conditions much better for the dogs that are in their care. Right now, there are 150 dogs at the West Valley Humane Society, and this project will be helping those dogs, as well as the dogs who come through there in the future.

The heart of the project involves replacing the canvas roofs in the Dog Adoptions, Holding 1, and Holding 2 kennels with solid roofs. This upgrade promises to provide better climate control and noise reduction within the shelter, ultimately creating a more comfortable environment for the dogs.

To kickstart this endeavor, the West Valley Humane Society has scheduled a relocation of the dogs from the Dog Adoptions section (50 kennels) on September 15th, 2023. This temporary move is necessary for construction, and the organization is committed to ensuring a smooth transition for their furry residents.

The "Raise the Ruff" Project is expected to last approximately nine months. During this period, the Humane Society is actively promoting their foster program, encouraging individuals and families to open their homes to foster dogs while construction is underway. To express gratitude to foster caregivers, a 50% discount on adoption fees for their next rescue is being offered.

Those interested in fostering can easily apply on their website.

Photo by Madeline Bowen on Unsplash
Photo by Madeline Bowen on Unsplash

Important to know: During this time, the humane society is exclusively using their Adopt-From-Home program for owner surrenders. That way, they can reserve their kennels solely for stray dogs who are injured and/or in need of additional assistance.

In addition to fostering, the West Valley Humane Society is actively seeking volunteers to support their mission. A range of opportunities is available for individuals looking to make a positive impact on the lives of the animals in their care.

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