It looks the Iran Contra lawyer hired by Boise Mayor Lauren McLean is not cheap. Multiple published reports detail the cost of how much the investigation of Michael Bromwich. The retired Boise Police captain is accused of speaking at a White Supremacy conference. Instead of hiring a local firm or using the resources of the Boise Police Department, the Ada County Prosecutors Office, or the Idaho Attorney General's Office, Mayor McLean has hired an East Coast lawyer known for representing Christine Blasey Ford and prosecuting Lt. Col. Oliver North in the 1980s as part of the Iran Contra Scandal.

The Idaho Statesman reported that the bill for the services of Steptoe and Johnson would cost Boise $500,000. Apparently, finding out if there are any White Supremacists in the Boise Police Department is costly. Once again, the mayor who hired a police chief who was one of the worst hires in police history has declared that no one in Idaho or Boise is competent enough to investigate the actions of one retired officer. 

The mayor should investigate her hiring practices to uncover why former chief Lee was allowed to decimate the Boise Police Department. You don't need an $800.00 attorney to determine her lack of judgment in hiring Mr. Lee and not listening to rank and file officers legitimately telling her that something was wrong with Mr. Lee's leadership. 

The mayor's money tree continued as she gave Mr. Lee $150,000 to 'resign.' Idahoans have always valued fiscal responsibility; it is clear that the Boise mayor lacks that skill when it comes to spending your taxes on her crusades. 

A young lady named Elaine emailed her thoughts on the mayor's misplaced priorities. Boise Taxpayers: What do you want to fund? (1) There are 850 homeless students in the Boise school district. (2) Boise had more than 1,000 domestic violence issues in three months. (3) Anti-cop Mayor McLean will pay $500K to an East Coast lawyer to destroy a retired Boise cop.

Elaine echoes the views of the majority of the population. Mayor McLean has relieved another Boise Police Officer of his duties. The following is a release from her office:

OPA Director, Jesus Jara, has been placed on administrative leave effective immediately at the direction of Mayor Lauren McLean and Boise City Council Members Clegg, Woodings and Hallyburton, who serve as oversight to OPA, in response to ongoing concerns with professional judgement and lack of confidence in the actions of the office. 


"We must have confidence in this office and trust the judgment of its director," said Mayor McLean and council leadership. 'This step is necessary to protect the interests of our police officers and the public."

The attorneys for Officer Jara have responded. 

Will the mayor continue to spend your money to defend another lawsuit? Stay tuned true believers!

Check Out Behind the Scenes of the Press Conference.

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