Insidious Inflation Impacting Idahoans Ability To Enjoy Holidays
Regardless of which political party is in power leading up to the midterms or presidential elections, Americans have grown custom to a price reduction of goods. In the old days, gas prices would drop right before the November elections leading to a reward for the party responsible for the price break.
In Idaho and across the country, 2022 is the year of reduced holiday spending due to the historical inflation rate that continues to climb despite the president's feeble attempts to halt it. Whether you live in Boise or Caldwell, the price of goods is significantly higher than last year and the year before that one. Look at how much money you need to survive in these challenging times.
How Much Money Do You Need to Make to Be Happy in the Pacific Northwest?
Money doesn't grow on trees despite the best efforts of government officials to reassure the public that they have the situation under control. How much more will you pay for your favorite holiday feast this year? We've taken the liberty of researching the essential items found in most Idahoans' pantries and refrigerators.
Check Out How Much Your Favorite Food Items Cost Compared To Last Year
Multiple media outlets report that the price of your Thanksgiving turkey will be 73% higher than last year. The USDA attributes the price spike to the bird flu that has impacted turkey production and distribution.
With the price of consumer goods rising, Idaho nonprofit and charitable groups tell us that they see an increase in demand for food. Several organizations are asking the public to consider additional giving to help them cope with the higher demand.
The Price of These 15 Foods Have Gone Up the Most in Idaho Grocery Stores
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