The Infamous StringDusters, along with Rhonda Vincient and the Rage, won the Grammy for Blue Grass Album of the Year.  One member of the group began his love of music in the Treasure Valley. Jeremy Garrett is known throughout the world for his fiddle play.  It all began for him at Caldwell High School.  The artist known as G-Grass for the StringDusters started loving the fiddle at 3, according to a profile in the Boise Weekly.

He learned to play by listening to his father and met his wife at Caldwell High School.  Garret left the Treasure Valley for Nashville in 2005.  Like a lot of folks that go to Nashville, Garrett found other like minded musicians.  Eventually the Infamous StringDusters were born.

The band describes their music as a major modern Blue Grass Band.  The group says they're a blank slate when it comes to making music.  Their goal is to make every song come alive, according to their web site. 

Miss their moment at last night's Grammy's?  Check out their win here.


Want to see the Grammy winners in the Treasure Valley?  Here's the link to their show here at the Knitting Factory on March 2nd.


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