Boise, Idaho, is one of the country's most unique and friendly cities and perhaps the world. It's one of the rare cities that's mentioned in a few songs. Old folks remember the iconic intro to Lynyrd Skynyrd's 'Gimmie Three Steps' or Jewel's 'The Boise Song.' And we all know it's Boy-see, not Boy-zee.  However, have you ever wondered if Idaho has the only city named Boise in America?  Could other states have a city named Boise? 


How did Boise Get It's Name?

It depends on where you get your source for Boise's origin. Some historians believe that our city was named after French trappers who hunted for hides in our area. Others speculate that Les Bois is French for trees. Others say it was named after the Bonneville expedition or that Washington Irving mentioned Les Bois in one of his essays. You can click the link here for more details on Boise's beginnings.  

Although no city is perfect, we asked the public what, if anything, could take Boise to the next level.  Some answers were realistic, while we'll let you decide about a few others.  Check out the list below.

10 Things That Locals Say Can Make Boise Great Again

We asked locals to share what they would love to see changed about Boise. What would you add to this list?

Is Idaho home to the only Boise in America?

Unlike other cities in America, the name Boise is unique. Idaho isn't home to the only city named Boise in our country. There are two different cities in America named Boise. One is within our region, and the other is way down south.

Boise, Washington?

Yes, there is Boise in Washington state, although finding out any more information about Boise #2 appears to be a challenge. The link for the website for Boise, Washington directs the viewer to Idaho's Boise. The city/town/spot on a map has no YouTube presence but is located in King County, Washington. ' You can follow the link for more information on Boise, Washington.

Boise, Texas?

According to this link, Boise, Texas, is a ghost town. Another search revealed little or no information on YouTube or other social media outlets. So the two other cities/towns named Boise consists of a town so small there is no recorded population? And the other is a ghost town?

The Real Boise

We've come to the conclusion that the only legitimate Boise is the one in Idaho that continues to be made famous, from Lynyrd Skynryd to Jewel.

Why would anyone leave Boise?  A few folks have decided to leave Idaho for other locals in hopes of a better life.  See if you agree with their choices below.

Boise Residents Are Abandoning the Treasure Valley for These 15 Appealing Cities

Stacker recently put together a list of which cities people are moving to when they leave Boise. We dug into some of the Niche data for those cities to try and figure out why they're more appealing than our little neck of the woods. Home prices come from Rent stats come from the most recent rental rate information available on (except Pocatello, they didn't give that figure so the rate quoted is from Niche.)

You won't find these trails in Texas or Washington!

These 10 Items Are Absolutely CLUTCH For Hiking in the Boise Area

Hiking season is upon us! Are you prepared?


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