Free Uber Rides on Election Day
Turn on your television, open up your smartphone, scroll through social media or check your mail. It doesn't matter what you do, it's clear: midterms are here, election season is in full swing, and if you somehow haven't noticed that--I'm impressed.
Say what you will about the state of our nation or politics in general--there's no doubting the importance of this in our lives. Growing up when I was too young to vote, I was always shocked to hear that there were adults who just DIDN'T vote. Why wouldn't they do it, I wondered...it seems so fun!
I'll be the first to tell you, there's nothing FUN about voting but there IS something special about it. Knowing that in our nation, our voice actually matters. How cool is that?
Early voting is actually open right now all across the Treasure Valley and if you didn't see my article on that earlier in the week, click HERE. I listed out early voting info and a link to locations and ballot info for you! It's super simple and in fact, I've already voted myself!
If voting on election day is more your style, Uber is launching a pretty awesome promotion: free rides to the polls. It doesn't get much easier than that, does it!? Uber from home, the office, with your friends--it doesn't matter where. On Election Day, opening your Uber App will prompt an option to find your polling place. A 'Get To The Polls" option will be available for your free ride!
This is a huge opportunity--for more information, just click HERE.