Coyote Reportedly Attacks Dog in Foothills
If there's one thing my husband absolutely hates, it's when I go into the Foothills without my phone. Between how klutzy I am and the wildlife out there, he's just got this overwhelming fear something bad is going to happen to me.
That's exactly why I marched straight into Shu's Idaho Running Company this past Saturday and bought myself a pair of shorts that comfortably holds my phone without having to wear a belt around my waist. My training partner is out of the country and with storms in the forecast, I figured now was a good time to cave.
And after reading the latest "Ridge to Rivers" trail update, I'm really glad I did. The Facebook update explains that they received a report of an off-leash dog being attacked by coyotes near Crestline. They believe the attack involved a pack that typically hangs out near Hulls Gulch and the Military Reserve trails. The coyotes were most likely guarding a den of pups and when that's their focus, they're not intimidated by dogs or people.
For that reason, they urge those hiking or riding with dogs in these areas to keep them on leash for now. If you see a coyote, its recommended that you give it plenty of space and pay attention to its behavior. Turning around to give it a bigger area is never a bad idea.
Signs will go up near the trail head to help spread the word, but if you should run into a coyote during your hike, you're encouraged to share your experience to help keep others safe.
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