Boise Alley is About to be Transformed
The space between tall buildings isn't always the prettiest, and in fact some of us probably walk right on by with the expectation that alleys should smell funny and look less than clean. But one Boise alley is about to get a big face lift that could make it prettier than your backyard. The goal of a new project in Downtown Boise is to not only get rid of trash, but to make this alley a pedestrian walkway that will make us want to hang out there.
The Union Alley beautification project wants to improve the function of the Union Block Alley between 8th and Capitol Boulevard, and to do that they'll be adding new waste compactors and lining the alley with trees, shrubs, and places to sit down.
Boise Weekly says the trash bins we see now will be replaced with the compactors, which cost about $30,000 each. But over time, there will be savings because of the increase in recycling and more efficient waste disposal for restaurants. They'll even be recycling restaurant grease.
New signs and art projects will start popping up soon around the Union Block Alley, and it will start looking more like a fun, eclectic area to gather rather than just a plain ole alley. Some restaurants may be adding patios that open up to the alley, and the lot behind Saint Lawrence Gridiron will become a pocket park.
Not every city goes to the trouble to make an intentionally great space out of space that is usually forgotten about, right? We are true ground breakers in the Treasure Valley. Downtown Boise is a great place to eat, drink, and hang out, and it's about to look and smell even better.
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