Albertsons Steps Up to Help Homeless During Hottest Days of the Summer
"So how hot is it going to be at your wedding?"
Last week, my dad sent me a text about how incredibly proud he was of the pace he hit on his run. I've been incredibly frustrated with my workouts because the heat has been kicking my butt, so I instantly shot back a text "So, how hot is it where you are?" It's in the lower 80s in Ohio and I texted him back that he's lucky because it's 97º here. Almost immediately, my phone rang and my dad asked the wedding question. Hot dad, it's going to be hot.
Most of us have it pretty good. Even though the temps are hovering around 100, we're able to duck into somewhere with air conditioning as long as we'd like, whether it's our home or office. Not everyone has that luxury. The homeless community in the Treasure Valley spends a great deal of time outside in the sun during the hottest days of the summer, leaving them prone to heat related illnesses and dehydration.
That's why our friend Aron and his network of friends have spent the last few summers collecting bottled water to distribute to the homeless in the Treasure Valley. They've always got a great response from the community, but they just found out that this year a huge partner has stepped up to help their efforts!
Between now and July 31, when you buy a case of bottled water to donate at the Albertsons at Lake Hazel and Five Mile, Albertsons will match your purchase and donate a case of bottled water to the Boise Rescue Mission. That means if you donate two cases, Albertsons will also donate two cases, doubling the amount of good you're doing!