Father Time is undefeated. Eventually, he finds you in this game of hide-and-seek that we call life.

There was a time where we could eat whatever we wanted, stay up all night, and have as much fun wherever and whenever we wanted to. When you turn 30, however, all of that begins to change.

Photo by: Johannes W on Unsplash
Photo by: Johannes W on Unsplash

At 30, you'll learn that metabolisms are a real thing. There are now consequences to all of your actions. You want to have fun tonight? You'll pay for it tomorrow. You want to have one more slice? That's when the heart burn will get you.

Certain things we used to take for granted, we can no longer enjoy. Some of our favorite activities put to the side, so we can get just one more hour of sleep. Turning 30 is a changing point for all of us. Not just because you're no longer in your 20s, there's a physical change that comes along with your mental changes and interests.

Just look at what you would do on a Friday night in Boise when you were 21 versus 31. Think about what you and your friends would do then, compared to what you do now. Hopefully, you'll see that you've matured (at least a little bit).

Photo by: Magnet Me on Unsplash
Photo by: Magnet Me on Unsplash

I looked back at my past and what I would do for fun before I turned 30 and contrasted it with what I'm doing now, at 31. Thankfully, Boise has activities for people of all ages to enjoy. Because I don't think I could still be living like a 21 year old at 31. I can't be the only one who turned into a curmudgeon over night on their 30th birthday.

Here is a list of 30 things in Boise that stop being cool after your turn 30. Let's get to it, we're not getting any younger. Unfortunately. At 21, I would have kept rambling. At 31, I know to just get to the point.

Photo by: Nipyata on Unsplash
Photo by: Nipyata on Unsplash

30 Things That Stop Being Cool In Boise When You Turn 30

It's true what they say. Every thing changes when you turn 30. Your metabolism, your interests, your sleep habits, even the sounds your body will make...it's all different.

Here are 30 things that stop being cool when you turn 30 here in Boise.
Photo by: Phinehas Adams on Unsplash
Photo by: Phinehas Adams on Unsplash

Some of those things still sounds like they'd be fun when I think about it in my 30s, others I'm very happy to leave in the past. My body and I can no longer handle those late nights out, and I've learned to enjoy a Saturday on the couch with a glass of wine and a movie. In my 20s, that would have driven me crazy.

Is there something that you think stopped being cool after you turned 30 in Boise? Leave a comment or send me a Tweet @CortFreeman.

You know what you do start to really enjoy when you turn 30? Taking advantage of a good deal and taking a well-needed vacation. Here are cheap places you can fly to out of Boise for under $100. Because in your 30s, you need the occasional getaway. Check out the list below!

Photo by: Muhammed Zafer Yahsi on Unsplash
Photo by: Muhammed Zafer Yahsi on Unsplash

Cheap Places To Travel In Your 30s

We all know that Boise, Idaho is one of the greatest cities in the country to live in. The secret is out and thousands are moving here. But even those of us who LOVE this city need a little time away and these cheap flights out of the Boise Airport could make your next vacation much more affordable!
Photo by: Marina Barcelos on Unsplash
Photo by: Marina Barcelos on Unsplash

If you're looking for more fun in the Boise area this summer, check these ideas out.

Boise Activities This Summer

Stay cool this summer, with these outdoor water activities!
Photo by: Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Photo by: Markus Spiske on Unsplash

More ideas for fun Boise activities that will look good on your Instagram.

The Most Instagram Worthy Bars and Restaurants in Boise

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