Win Our App-Sclusive Stockings!
LITE-FM mobile app users, congratulations! You've unlocked a secret page that Santa set up for just for the nice boys and girls who've downloaded our app for the holiday season!
We set aside a few stockings just for you! Scroll down to see the goodies that only you have access to and fill out the form which stocking you hope to win. Don't be shy! We REALLY appreciate you downloading our app so enter for one, two or all three of them!
2 p.m.: Run Run Rudolph Stocking
You'll be stylin' for the YMCA Christmas Run this year with a bunch of swag from some of the Treasure Valley's favorite fitness brands like Hoka One One, Nike, Aquaphor, Huma and Gu! Did we mention that this stocking includes TWO FREE Entries to this year's YMCA Christmas Run. Get out, get active and earn those Christmas cookies with this gift!
4 p.m.: Christmas Date Night Stocking
When was the last time you went on a date night? We mean a real date night with no kids. A date night without double dating with your neighbors. If it's been a minute, let us help you reconnect and get in to the spirit of the season with a pair of tickets to Under the Streetlamp's electrifying "Hip for the Holidays" show at the Morrison Center on Wednesday, November 28! This stocking include two tickets to the show and $50 to enjoy dinner at Cottonwood Grille before the show!
5 p.m.: If I Had a Million Dollars Stocking
The Barenaked Ladies took over the Idaho Botanical Garden's Outlaw Field last summer and left behind an autographed album! Santa's stuffing this stocking with this exclusive vinyl record and five of the Idaho Lottery's "Rollin' In the Dough" scratch tickets to help you earn your way toward the band's smash hit "If I Had a Million Dollars!"