When To Take Your Christmas Tree Down According to Boise Hotels
It’s a debate as old as time itself: When does the Christmas tree come down? We’re not talking about Christmas decorations, lights, or that huge inflatable Santa in the front yard either. There should be more sympathetic to people who decide to leave their Christmas lights up year-round, as putting those up can be an absolute nightmare but that’s a conversation for another day. Now in order to determine the best time to take the tree down, we sought out the opinions of hospitality experts and the city of Boise itself. Whether or not you take what the hotels or city does as the golden standard is up to you, but it’s the best benchmark we can think of when it comes to hospitality.
When To Take Your Christmas Tree Down According to Boise Hotels
There you have it! If you take your tree down within the first week of the new year, you’re golden. If you’re leaving your tree up and it’s well beyond St. Patrick’s Day… go on and live your best life!