Now that the 4th of July is out of the way, we can all direct our attention to the next big holiday coming our way: Halloween!

We can see it now. Pumpkins lining the sidewalk, candles flickering inside. Spooky bats hanging from trees with fishing wire. Houselights in orange and purple to set the mood. Halloween is amazing, and the decorations surrounding the holiday are an absolute must. Questions, when should you start decorating your place?

If you're like the majority of Americans, you probably agree that Halloween decor doesn't hit the exterior of your edifice until October 1st. Others say just after Labor Day is a good time to start conjuring spirits via your lawn decorations.

For this writer, Halloween decorations go out early. Like, really early. We're talking August 1st, and yes I'm being serious. Why the obsession? A few reasons:

  • Halloween is the best holiday
  • Free candy
  • The best movies
  • Hoodie weather
  • Hot chocolate
  • It's my wedding anniversary

Sure, Christmas is great and all, but it's a lot of work. So many travel plans, gifts, outfits to plan. Halloween is much more simple: Dress up and eat candy!

We now turn to you, fellow Idahoan. When do you put out your Halloween decorations every year? Do you have a set date that's traditional for you and your family every year? Do Halloween decorations go up on October 1st? Or do you just put them out whenever you get around to it (aka about six days before October 31st)?

Jump on Facebook and let us know your take!

Boise's Best Pet Halloween Costumes

Is there anything more wholesome than pets in costumes? Thank you to all the fur moms and fur dads who sent these our way!


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