When you see those red and blue lights in your rear view mirror, the last thing you're probably thinking is "you know, we've got some really good looking police cars in the Treasure Valley."

That's certainly not what I was thinking when Officer Slater and Officer Longsdon responded to the wreck I was in Tuesday afternoon, but I will say this...they were really great helping me navigate my first accident involving another car (the tree and curb I hit never called the police.)  We're really lucky to have a genuinely compassionate police force in the City of Boise...and they do drive some good looking patrol cars!

Have you noticed there's a few Boise Police cruisers that have a paint job that's a little different from the typical black, blue and silver you're accustomed to seeing?  Three different cars have these special paint jobs and here's what each of them represent!

Purple Patrol Car - Domestic Violence Awareness

The Domestic Awareness patrol car is the newest to join the BPD fleet.  Sponsored by donors to the Women's and Children's Alliance, the car features a purple color scheme and purple ribbon.  BPD and the WCA have a long partnership of looking out for the victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault and getting them into a safe situation.  The car made it's debut this past February.

Yellow Patrol Car - Cycling Awareness

With the growing number of bike lanes and improvements for cyclists in Downtown Boise, it's no secret that Boise residents love getting to and from work and play on two wheels.  Introduced into the fleet in 2014, the car with this yellow paint job reminds people "Save a life, look" for cyclists while they're on the road.

Pink Patrol Car - Breast Cancer Awareness

This was the first colored patrol car on the fleet.  It was introduced in 2013 and is a staple at events like he Boise Race for the Cure and throughout Breast Cancer Awareness month every October.

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