Watch Spanx CEO Gift Employees First Class Airfare + $10,000 Each
Talk about work perks!
What do you like about your job? Are there any perks offered that make it more worth it to be there? If the only thing you can think of is that one time Maria from accounting brought in donuts for everyone out of the goodness of her heart, you may want to rethink your place of employment.
Because these people just got thousands of dollars and a free trip anywhere in the world.
Yep, those lucky people are the employees of Sara Blakely. As the CEO of Spanx, Blakely is now worth $1.2 billion. Now, we hear plenty of stories of billionaires buying sports teams, yachts and private islands for themselves, so it's nice to hear that one of the elite is pouring into her staff. According to the New York Post, Blakely's contribution her 500+ employees comes from selling her massive intimate wear company.
I don't know about you, but usually when companies get sold to someone else, there is a bit of chaos and uncertainty. Will you be valued by the new owners? Do you still have a job? Are you being taken care of?
It's safe to say these people are.
Blakely made the announcement at a party celebrating the recent sale. With her daughter on stage with her, she said each employee would be given two first class, round-trip airfare tickets anywhere in the world. She then said they may need some spending money while vacationing as she announced each staff member would also be receiving $10,000.
See for yourself...
Sara Blakely started the company Spanx because of one simple reason... she wanted to wear white pants, but didn't have the right underwear. After cutting off the feet of her panty hose, the lightbulb went off and the rest is history. The line has grown to include clothing and outwear too. Blakely was recognized as the youngest self-made billionaire in 2012.
Personally, I recognize her as the woman who saved us from rolling undergarments, unflattering panty lines and constantly tugging at our clothes.