These Are the 15 Drunkest Counties in the Entire State of Idaho
The last two years have been trying. To cope, some people turned to alcohol as a way to get through it.
At first, it was having an extra drink with dinner because you didn't have anywhere to be the next day since you couldn't leave the house. When you got back to the office, you'd have a glass of wine or two in the evening to wind down after an anxiety-filled day of readjusting to being around people again. Then those glasses of wine turned into a bottle as you found yourself even more stressed out because you're exhausted from trying to survive in an environment where your workplace is extremely understaffed. That behavior is not good and not healthy.

This is what the CDC defines as excessive drinking and its been up nationwide over the last two years. The CDC defines heavy drinking as 8 or more drinks per week for a woman or 15 or more drinks per week for a man. They define binge drinking as consuming 4 or more drinks on an occasion for a woman or 5 or more drinks on an occasion for a man. Both of these contribute to excessive drinking.
Data USA compiled information from the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps to determine which Idaho counties had the highest prevalence of this kind of behavior. This is what their figures looked like for 2021. We also pulled the numbers for how prevalent impaired driving deaths were in these counties.
These Are the 15 Drunkest Counties in the Entire State of Idaho
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