
Ghost Hunt Video
Ghost Hunt Video
Ghost Hunt Video
I know it was Halloween when we did this, but our youngest son Kody is a film maker not just a video taker.  He spent hours going over the hours of video and got it down to the best.  This will not only give you an idea of the atmosphere, but what really did happen...
Was it a Ghost
Was it a Ghost
Was it a Ghost
I've been going through hours of video from our Halloween ghost hunt at Owyhee Lanes and Restaurant.  After awhile your eyes start to cross, you think about nodding off and then "Bam" it happens. This is off the static camera we set up.  It was from a Gopro...
Even More Ghost Stories
Even More Ghost Stories
Even More Ghost Stories
October 2005, we got permission to do a "Ghost Hunt" Paranormal Investigation at the Old Idaho State Penitentiary and of course we took our kids, Branden who was 17, Alicia, 25 and Kody 12.  It was a rainy night and we started things just before closing...
Ghost Hunt At Owyhee Lanes
Ghost Hunt At Owyhee Lanes
Ghost Hunt At Owyhee Lanes
Saturday night about 9pm the crew from "Ghostumentary," Brenda, Kody, Alicia and the great ghost hunter...Me, will be invading Owyhee Lanes in Homedale.  We are also going to have a psychic/clairvoyant who will be joining in. Monday, Kody (our youngest son) and I made a trip to check out what we would be walking in to...