Most of us know that Boise is the most populated city in Idaho. It's the capital, it's the most popular city, it's a given. I'd be willing to bet you could also easily guess the second most populated city in the state. However, can you name the third? Fourth? How many can you name in the Top Ten?
Since moving to Boise from Las Vegas, I kept hearing about how the Treasure Valley was being invaded by people from California and that life was never going to be the same! It sounded a little extreme and harsh, so I decided to do the research to see exactly where people are moving to the Boise metro from...
Only sixty-four percent of people in America have been counted so far, but Idaho is a little ahead of the census curve so far. If you don't respond, someone will come knocking on your door to count you.
Filling out the Census form only takes five minutes, and it could mean millions of dollars for the Treasure Valley. It's our chance to impact the population numbers on road signs, so let's do this.