It's not a huge surprise if you live in the Treasure Valley, but Men's Health magazine has recently named Boise as the healthiest city in the country for men.
This video has been getting a lot of attention. Some saying it's beautiful and possible, others saying it's naive and impossible. Can we make Idaho more this way?
It's rare, but severe ski and snowboard injuries can happen. Unfortunately, for an Idaho family, that was the case with their 14 year-old daughter this weekend.
I have arrived at one of those parenting conundrums and I need your help. My 7 year-old son LOVES drawing. He does great art...BUT...there's becoming too much of it.
What do you think the 10 Most Boring Cities in Idaho are? I'm guessing you could get quite a few right, but would you be surprised the #1 is off of Eagle Road?
I filled up my car Sunday and was VERY excited to find $.98 per gallon was what I was paying. Now granted, I had Fred Meyer Rewards points, but the starting price was great.