New Skating Rink Nears Opening; Needs Help to Complete Construction
A little less than a year ago, Treasure Valley Skate announced construction in the State Street space formerly known as 20th Century Lanes. They hope to open by the end of the month!
Flashback to 2017
When new roller rink, Treasure Valley Skate, changed their address to 4712 W State Street on their Facebook page, things got a little awkward. The public soon put together that it was the address of 20th Century Lanes which occupied the space for almost six decades. The rink clarified that they learned of a lease being available after it was listed on a commercial real estate site and that they'd not purpousley tried to oust 20th Century Lanes. They went on to say they admired the bowling alley and it's history in the Treasure Valley. The bowling alley's offer for the lease was rejected, opening the opportunity for Treasure Valley skate to move in.
Treasure Valley Skate officially took occupancy of the building on November 1, 2017 and has been hard at work transforming the space over the past few months.
New Beginnings Need a Little Help
The skating floor has arrived and the new rink has used it's Facebook page to trade some free skate time for a little help lacing up their rental skates and getting the floor glued down. Their ultimate goal is to open at the end of the month, but because of all the construction happening in the Treasure Valley, they're having a hard time a VCT (Vinyl Composition Tile) installer to help put the finishing touches on the rink. Most VCT installers in the Treasure Valley are currently booked 8 weeks out, which could possibly push the grand opening back to sometime in late June. As of mid-Tuesday, they still haven't found and installer so if you know someone who can help, reach out to owners Scott and Tammy through their Facebook page!
Supporters on Facebook are extremely excited about the new rink and we hope somebody in the Treasure Valley can help make it happen on time!