New Eagle Relay Gives Participants Chance to Win Beer for a Year
It's not about being fast, it's about being accurate!
Can I say, it's a little bit weird being back in the office after spending three straight days in a minivan with some of my best friends? A team of six of us and two amazing volunteers piled into the van and headed to Stanley for the Sawtooth Relay. My teammates and I covered the 61.9 miles to Ketchum in 9 hours, 22 minutes and decided we'd be back next year before the race was even over!
But let's be honest, all of us have a screw loose. Relays like Sawtooth aren't for everyone, but there is a new relay race coming to Eagle that is! The inaugural Sockeye Stagger is on Saturday, August 25 at Reid Merrill Park in Eagle. At the race, teams of four have a chance to compete to win beer for a year from Sockeye Brewing!
Here's how it works:
- Form a team of four beer loving friends.
- When you register for the relay, have each relay teammate predict how fast they can run/walk a mile and chug a beer after that mile.
- The team that comes closest to their predicted time wins beer for a year!
The best part of this relay? It has absolutely nothing to do with how fast you are! You can say you walk a 15 minute mile and chug a beer in 60 seconds. If you nail that time right on the head, you're better off than someone who can predicted an 8 minute time and then took three extra minutes to drink their beer. It's about being accurate, NOT FAST! People of all abilities have a shot at the first Sockeye Stagger title and beer for a year!
The most challenging part? Finishing in your predicted time WITHOUT aid of a stopwatch or GPS device. That's right, no Garmins, FitBits or any other type of watch will be permitted on the course. Neither will your headphones. We can't having you putting together a playlist that matches your predicted time, now can we?
Registration per team is $60 (so $15 a person.) If you want to give it a shot, register HERE!
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