If you're in a position where you feel like you're always working from behind, this piece of "Michelle's Monday Motivation" is for you!

"A little progress each day adds up to big results." - Unknown

I used to be that person who didn't have a paper to-do list or keep a planner.  Over the past few months, I've come to realize I can't get away with that anymore.  Now, I'm lost without one.  We had a board meeting for our running club last Monday and as we were trying to pick the date for our next get together, I stared at my calendar going "I'm busy that day.  I have something that day too."  I started to get a little frustrated realizing that I don't have a weekend completely free until after Christmas.

All of the things on my calendar are fun.  None of them feel like work or a commitment that I rather not go to.  The reason I'm frustrated?  Because there's so many big picture things I want to focus on, like how to make Christmas (and Christmas Wish) on LITE-FM completely over the top this year, rolling out the Christmas line for my small business to pick up some extra cash to spend this holiday season, etc.  I want to do it all.  And I want to do it right now, but there's not enough hours in the day to do it all.  There comes a point where I have to prioritize what's left on the to-do list, reorganize it for the next day and walk away for my own sanity.

Learning to place those boundaries has been difficult for me, but it's taught me to lay out the essential little parts of the big picture things.  Working on one piece at a time doesn't feel like I'm moving mountains, but it's making a difference in the long run!

Michelle Heart, Townsquare Media Boise

Case in point, my friends from Team Run Boise helped bring together this idea I had months ago to do a Super Mario theme for LITE-FM's Trunk or Treat appearances.  I was able to picture it in my head so clearly! I'd make giant Mario characters on my Cricut machine to hang on a blue background and turn cardboard boxes into the bricks Mario runs over in the game.  The only hang-up? From the initial design phase of an oversized Cricut character to finally getting all the pieces of cardstock glued together, each 24" character takes about 2.5 hours to make.  There's no way I could've got all of them cut out them all out the night before Meridian's Trunk or Treat and Dance to the Beat.

Michelle Heart, Townsquare Media
Michelle Heart, Townsquare Media

Fully knowing that, I laid out a game plan for which nights I had free time to make Mario, Yoshi, Luigi, Toad and the other minor characters.  It was a two week process, but seeing how all those little pieces came together in the final creation was so gratifying!

So when you feel like the little things on your to-do list aren't "enough," just remember to keep your eyes on the prize!

Michelle’s Monday Motivation is powered by our friends at The Good Feet Store, “Live the life you love.  Don’t let your feet get in the way."

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