It doesn't matter if you drove it off the lot yesterday or if it has 300,000 miles on it, car thieves are always in the market for easy-to-steal parts and accessories. And sometimes Direct Auto Insurance says you won't even know what they stole until something goes wrong 😳 What?!

In addition to searching for vehicles they can safely steal, thieves also target specific car parts and certain items if they can get inside your car. This could mean something might be missing, even if you don’t realize it immediately.

- Direct Auto Insurance

Scary thought, isn't it? Not that one kind of thief is better than another, but car thieves are a special kind of deplorable. There's nothing like realizing your car was picked apart like an all-you-can-eat buffet after a near death experience behind the wheel.

If we had to choose to between having our entire car stolen versus some of the most important pieces that keep it running and us alive at 70 mph, we'd go with the whole shebang.

Scroll for 12 car parts & accessories Idaho car thieves target.

12 Car Parts & Accessories Idaho Thieves Steal The Most

They may have resigned themselves to a life of career crime, but Idaho car thieves are getting savvier by the year. You may be surprised by what they're able to resell on the black market.

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

Keep scrolling for...

  • The most stolen cars in Idaho & Washington state

  • 23 things banned in Idaho trash cans

  • 7 weapons are that are illegal everywhere but Idaho

The 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in Idaho in 2022

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau's most recent "Hot Wheels" auto theft report, these were the 10 vehicles that thieves helped themselves to the most in Idaho. The most recent data available reflects cars stolen in 2022. We expected the numbers from 2023 to be released sometime this fall.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

The 10 Most Stolen Vehicles in Washington

According to the National Insurance Crime Bureau's most recent "Hot Wheels" auto theft report, these were the 10 vehicles that thieves helped themselves to the most in Washington. The most recent data available reflects cars stolen in 2022. We expected the numbers from 2023 to be released sometime this fall.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

23 Things Forbidden in Idaho Trash Bins

⚠️ When ridding your Idaho residence of harsh industrial products, solvents, paints, disinfectants, and fertilizers, there's more to know than most realize!

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

7 Deadly Weapons That Are 100% Illegal... Except in Idaho

Idaho would be the ultimate state and setting for the horror-film franchise The Purge... here are 7 weapons that are illegal in other states but not Idaho.

Gallery Credit: Chris Cardenas

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  • 11 factors that make Idaho railroad tracks so deadly

  • Idaho laws we can't believe are real

  • 10 reasons your car can be towed ASAP in Boise

11 Surprising Reasons Idaho Railroad Tracks are So Deadly

It doesn't matter if it's a picturesque stroll down the tracks between two sleepy towns or a newlywed photoshoot—it's never okay to set foot on Idaho railroad tracks. 

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

We Can't Believe These 11 Things Are Legal in Idaho

Isn't it crazy that in 2024, it's legal for Idaho locals to do these things?! Especially when they're doing them behind the wheel 😳

Gallery Credit: Ryan Valenzuela

10 Reasons Your Car Can Be Immediately Towed In Boise

Having your car towed in Boise sucks. But you know what sucks just as much if not more? Having to track it down after the fact. If you've never been towed in Boise and think it could never happen to you, the gallery below will make you rethink that, friend.

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

Keep scrolling for...

  • The Idaho loophole that makes speeding legal

  • Idaho roadkill laws: what you can & can't salvage

  • The safe & legal way to pass on the right in Idaho

The Nifty Speeding Loophole More Idaho Drivers Should Use

Did you know Idaho residents can do 15 mph over the speed limit to pass a slow car on the highway? It's true! But this handy loophole doesn't give us a free pass to speed whenever we want.

Scroll on for the do's and don'ts of Idaho's passing loophole...

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

Is It Illegal To Eat Roadkill In Idaho?

If you're new to hunting and the concept of conservationist living, there's a lot to know before you salvage and consume your first roadkill find!

Gallery Credit: Ryan Valenzuela

How to Legally (& Safely) Pass on the Right in Idaho

Read on for a clear understanding of when it's legal to pass on the right in Idaho.

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela

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