Idaho Walmarts to End E-Cigarette Sales
For the past few weeks, e-cigarettes and lung illness associated with their use has been a hot button subject. One of the nation's largest retailers has decided to exit the controversy.
According to Idaho News, after Walmarts current stock of e-cigattes runs out they will no longer carry vaping devices in their stores. The decision comes shortly after both Michigan and New York banned sale of flavored e-cigarette products at a state level. President Trump has proposed the same bad at a federal level. The primary goal of the bans is to help reduce underage vaping. It's widely believed that sweet and fruity flavored "juices" are appealing to young people and may cause them to develop an unnecessary, unhealthy habit. Vaping has recently been linked to eight deaths in the United States and more than 500 respiratory illnesses.
Critics of Walmart's new policy worry that by making vaping products less accessible to consumers, adults who've given up smoking regular cigarettes in favor of vaping may return to smoking.
I'll be honest with you, the headlines about vaping related illnesses scare the crap out of me. My husband was a smoker years before we started dating. By the time we got together, he'd given up cigarettes in favor of vaping. I haven't been shy about how much his vaping habit drives me crazy and that's mostly because he blatantly disregards servers at restaurants asking him not to use his vape inside their restaurant.
Now these headlines give me another reason to hate the habit. I don't want him to get really sick from something that's supposed to be healthier for him than smoking cigarettes and I certainly don't want him to go back to that if they ban his waffle smelling vape stuff in the Gem State (or at the federal level.) I'd hope that the hypothetical ban might give him a real reason to try and kick the nicotine habit for good.
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