7 Old Churches Near Boise That Have Been Redeemed As Vacation Homes
There are a lot of buildings that have been repurposed to suit the needs of the community at different times. We see it all over Boise. What was once a factory is now a hotel. What was once a bank is now an apartment complex. What was once a mall is now a school. And within a short drive from Boise, seven buildings that used to be churches are now vacation rentals.
7 Old Churches Near Boise That Have Been Redeemed As Vacation Homes
These 9 Airbnbs Are Close To Boise And Are Absolutely Wild
Spend The Night In One Of These Four Spectacular Boise Boys Airbnb's
These four homes were renovated by the Boise Boys on the show or off the show. We will give you the episode number and current rental price for each of these Airbnb's.
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