Make a toy for a homeless pet, make a card for someone in the military, or donate some food.  This is a pretty cool way to celebrate Valentine's weekend in Boise.

One Boise spot will be a hub for random acts of kindness this weekend, and anyone can get involved.

February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day, and this weekend Boise WaterShed is hosting an event to help us all pay it forward.  The Idaho Humane Society and the City of Boise are helping with the event too.

Do you ever feel like you're not doing enough?  I mean, we all seem to deal with a little guilt trying to manage career, kids, spouses or partners, school, and the hundreds of little things we do on a daily basis, but we've gotten used to all that.  Ha.  I'm talking about doing something for someone else that we may or may not know and getting out of our routines and comfort zones to make our circles better places to be.  I don't know about you, but I sure do feel selfish when I notice that I'm caught in my own routine, and I want to launch out of it in a hurry and take the kids with me.  This will be a good opportunity to get the whole family involved in something that has a little substance.

This Saturday, February 15th, the Boise WaterShed will be collecting diapers and wipes for the City Light Home for Women and Children. On their Facebook page, they tell us we can bring in gently used coats, hats, and gloves for local homeless shelters too.  And they'll give us the chance to create a special card for the troops, make a pet toy for animals with the Idaho Humane Society, and complete a fun scavenger hunt in the WaterShed exhibit hall.

And then, with Random Acts of Kindness Day on Monday, we can buy coffee for the person behind us at the coffee shop, send a random gift card to someone through the mail, take dinner to that friend who just had a baby, and pay adoption fees for a handful of pets at the shelter.  Or at least one of those.

Boise is pretty awesome already, but we have another chance to prove it tomorrow.  The pets and troops will be grateful.

The Boise WaterShed is at 11818 Joplin Road and the event tomorrow runs from 10 am to 1 pm.


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