Want To Go On the Best Kind of “Blind Date” At a Boise Bookstore?
I’ll be the very first one to admit: as someone who is recently single, the thought of going on dates is horrifying.
Honestly, dating again in general does not sound fun.
The awkwardness, the uncertainty, the formidable small talk… Gross.
So believe me when I say that when I heard a local Boise bookstore was introducing “blind dates,” I was ready to dismiss the idea before I even heard it.
What’s worse than a date with someone you don’t really know?
Going on a date with someone you don’t know at all.
However, stick with me here, because I guarantee that this is the type of date that you’ll be interested in – even if you’re a little shell shocked at the idea, like I am.
What type of “blind date” is this?
Rediscovered Books is a bookstore with locations in both Boise and Caldwell.
They are locally owned, independently run and they offer new and used books.
Recently they posted about offering blind dates… with a book.
For five dollars, you can purchase a book without knowing its title or anything about it – you only get to read the very first line.
Even when the first line may seem very unusual:
One person hilariously commented that it wasn’t only blind dating, but speed dating as well:
This is such a unique and fun opportunity to discover new books that you might not have otherwise purchased.
And I’ve got to say… this is my kind of dating.