Big Time Celeb Just Landed at the Boise Airport
This is big time. A legend. He's here in Boise to receive a humanitarian award at the Boise Centre tonight. Can you guess who's in town?!
George Foreman, infamously known for his boxing and the George Foreman Grill rolled into the Boise Airport Thursday night. He commented on the beauty of Boise saying "Wow, wonderful scenery!" according to KTVB.
One area of Foreman's life that you may be less familiar with is the fact that he became an ordained minister and has devoted his life to helping troubled youth.
He founded the George Foreman Youth Center 35 years ago and it's still thriving today.
Foreman will receive an Idaho Humanitarian Award for his work with underprivileged kids in the Houston area.
Welcome to the Treasure Valley area, George Foreman!! Who's going to try to stalk him around town today?