Christmas Eve is just around the corner and you know your kids will probably ask you about 1,000 questions about Santa! If one of them is "Where is Santa right now?" we've got you covered. 

It's amazing how far technology has come, isn't it? Growing up, if we asked that question we'd have to ask our parents help to dial the phone and call the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORDAD) Santa Tracker phone line. Today, your kids can access Santa's location on so many different devices! Here's three fun ways to find out how close Santa is to the Treasure Valley this year!

NORAD Tracks Santa on Alexa

Once you authorize access to the skill, there's all kinds of fun things your kids can ask Alexa. In the days leading up to Christmas the skill will countdown how many days are left to until Santa takes flight for his journey and what he's doing to get ready for his trip around the world. On Christmas Eve, they can ask things like "Alexa, where's Santa" and "Alexa, when will Santa be at my house." The skill also offers from fun facts from the top secret Santa Files like what Santa's favorite Christmas song is and how long his sleigh is measured in candy canes.

Portable North Poll App

This app is so cool! It will send your child a personalized video from Santa. The app asks you a few easy questions like your child's name, gender and birthday. There app also includes fun features that lets your child if they've made the naughty or nice list, games and scenes form the North Pole. Some features are premium and require you to pay, but after 13.6 thousand downloads, the app boasts a 4.8 rating in Apple's App Store.

DirecTV Channel 110

DirecTV puts together a really cool Christmas channel for the entire family to enjoy. Leading up to Christmas, it includes Christmas games, karaoke and read alongs. Come Christmas Eve, the channel launches a new video every hour showing Santa's journey.

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