Nothing wrecks a recycling stream faster than a dirty diaper. Or rotten food. Contaminants are threatening to ruin recycling programs across the country, including right here in Boise.
Idaho is a little different than the rest of the world and what goes down our drains and clogs our garbage disposals shows that. Here's the top five things that clog our disposals.
If you've got those brown bags full of leaves stacked in your driveway and you're wondering when someone is going to pick them up, the answer is...soon! Boise crews are a little overwhelmed with fall right now, but help is on the way.
You might remember hearing about adjusted garbage rates coming to the City of Boise. Part of that new plan included composting, and that program will be starting soon.
Is helping our environment worth a few extra dollars? The City of Boise seems to think that trade off makes sense, as composting is coming (and will be costing a little more).