
Boise Students Join a World-Wide Movement
Boise Students Join a World-Wide Movement
Boise Students Join a World-Wide Movement
The movement started in August 2018, after 15-year-old Greta Thunberg sat in front of the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks, to raise awareness about a cause she cares about. And Boise students are hopping on board.
The Best Quotes For the First Day of School
The Best Quotes For the First Day of School
The Best Quotes For the First Day of School
With the first day of school in Boise today we know two things -- Pictures of kids with backpacks will take over your social media pages, and you might hear someone say, "Is it just me, or did mom seem a little too happy about the first day of school?" We have a few other quotes that might make your first day.
Boise State Kicks of the New Semester with Welcome Week
Boise State Kicks of the New Semester with Welcome Week
Boise State Kicks of the New Semester with Welcome Week
The first week back at Boise State is a chance for students to get into a groove with new classes and routines, but there are plenty of fun routine breakers happening this week too, like pizza parties and bowling events. If you're out of school now, were your college days like this?

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