Whether it's Harry Potter or Hocus Pocus, there's nothing quite like the magic and the imagination of a witch. Then again--who said witches are tied to the imagination?

No matter what you believe in, there is no denying that SPOOKY SEASON is upon us and if you're looking to kick off "Spooky Month" the right way, it might just be time for you to join some other witches on the Boise River.

We came across a local event inviting all "witches" from the Treasure Valley to join in this festive day on the river. Apparently it happened last year as well and we're sad that we missed it. This ear, we have to get the word out.

Bring your broomstick and witches hat--and a paddle board. Unless you have a Nimbus 2000 you're going to need to float your way down the river just like everyone else.

As their Facebook event states: 

Last year a small group of ladies did a river float the first weekend of October. It is actually an AMAZING time to paddle the river with very few other people around so we are making it an annual thing!  We dress up like witches (so sorry fellas, it was all girls last time, but if you’re feeling witchy feel free to dress up and join us!) and ring in the spooky season with a costumed river paddle. The more the merrier, and how awesome would it be to flood the Boise river with a bunch of witches?!?
Interested in learning more, inviting friends, or submitting that RSVP? Click HERE.

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