The Biden Administration hoped that last night's State of the Union speech the country would be focused on the president's speech. That wish evaporated as the nation, and the world buzzed over a kiss between presidential spouses. The kiss between Jill Biden and Douglas Emoff has many of us thinking of that old song from C&C Music Factory 'Things that make you go hmmm."

Whether it's social media, talk radio, or folks talking back to the television, the world is on fire, speculating over the big kiss. Whether it's social media, talk radio, or folks talking back to the television, the world is on fire, speculating over the big kiss. We don't know many Idahoans who kiss their boss's wife in front of a crowd or in private.




  The 'Bossman' told us this morning, "that kiss shows a total lack of respect for both spouses, those two should get a room!'  



The viral kiss is every political operative's worst nightmare realized. The worldwide trend of 'the kiss' has eclipsed any reaction to the State of the Union speech.

Joe Biden's Five Factors of Fearing Idaho

The five issues that cause Joe Biden to fear about Idaho. Could these issues become national?

Tom Munds, "I gotta tell you, but I prefer not to comment on it, but it shows the lack of attention to what's important that folks are focused on this silly kiss."

Brian in Nampa said, "what don't socialist share? I'm not a socialist and I don't share that! I kiss one woman and I don't share that!"

Glen in Nampa revealed, "maybe the left is going to push the swinger thing? Maybe they're pushing nontraditional marriage?"

Check Out Creepy Joe Biden Sniffing and Wandering

A preview of the most popular video in some Idaho circles.

Nathaniel in Meridian, "it's a weird situation, Jill Biden was married before Joe and maybe she's looking to move on to a new lover?"

Dorothy in Star, "this is just wrong, I guess Covid is over?

Constitutional Jack, "it reminds me of Obama kissing Hillary.  


President Biden Arrives in Boise

President Biden is greeted by protesters during his visit to Boise, Idaho.


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