Ghost Town No More; Tamarack Gets New Owners
Following our wedding, we were far too burnt out to travel far for a honeymoon so we stayed close to home. After spending the week there, became absolutely fascinated with the property.
Why? Because you could see it's potential as a world class resort, but buildings were still covered in Tyvek wrap behind chain link fences and parts of the resort, like Seven Devils Pub, that were supposed to move into more permanent spaces are still in yurts at the bottom of the Discovery area. It took me almost 20 minutes to realize that the path behind the Lodge at Osprey Meadows was actually the golf cart path for the renown golf course that's since been reclaimed by nature. During our visit, the thing that really impressed us was the Tamarack Staff's (TamFam) optimism about the future of the resort despite it's half finished appearance. They had let on that there was a potential deal in the works that could lead to the resort moving forward to a more complete version that resembled some of the original renderings.
Today, our friend Don at BoiseDev confirmed that a deal like that was indeed in the works. He broke the news that a a group named Imperium Blue will be backing the newly formed Tamarack Resort Holdings company. Imperium Blue plans to reinstall the Wildwood lift that was removed when the resort failed to make payments to Bank of America in 2012 and build out the Tyvek wrapped Village Plaza. They hope to start moving that project forward in early 2019.
We're really excited to see this property come back to life and get the TLC that it truly deserves! If you want to read more about what the new owners have planned for Tamarack Resort, click HERE to read Don's interview with new owner and president, Kyle Mowitz.
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