Boise Winter Storms Lead to ‘Snowman Delivery’ Service
Thanks to last weekend's winter storms, 2021 has placed itself as number nine on the list of Boise's snowiest winters since 1892. If this weekend's storm brings the high end of accumulation predictions, this year will jump to number four.
Call me a weirdo, but I really LOVED last weeks winter storm. Maybe it's because its because I grew up in the snowbelt and I was feeling really deprived of no significant snowfall since early November. Maybe it's because it was the first time I got to see how my Subaru Crosstrek actually handled in the snow since I leased it two years ago. Maybe it's because it was just so relaxing sitting on the couch, in front of the fire, watching those big flakes float to the ground. It was AWESOME!

While we enjoyed the peace and relaxation the snowfall brought us, it reignited a small business plan for some Treasure Valley kids! Originally founded during the early days of Snowpocalypse 2016-2017, "Snowman Delivery" makes and delivers snowmen to local families and businesses. Their goal is to inspire kids in the area to be entrepreneurs and understand how they can turn their time into opportunity.
For $50, Snowman Delivery will organize some ambitious kiddos to roll the snowballs, decorate your snowman and then transport their work of art to your yard, business or wherever you've chosen to spread some winter joy. All the money the money they make goes directly to the kids who crafted your snowman!
The man behind the curtain is Keith Anderson, who was inspired while building a snowman with his then three year old daughter. They had so much fun that they rolled extra snowballs and he thought about building snowmen for some of their neighbors.
According to their Facebook page, these cute snowmen are perfect gifts for just about anything! Grandparents, significant others, clients...you name it. A surprise snowman will make their day.
We're keeping our fingers crossed that they'll get a second weekend to put some young business people to work! If we don't get the expected snowfall, make sure you bookmark their page! They've been known to go up the mountain to create their artwork and truck it back into town.
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