Drew Weisholtz is an award-winning writer who has had his work published on several websites, including GuySpeed, StarCrush.com and theFW.com. Previously, he has written and served as a producer for ABC News Radio and also spent time as a stand-up comedian. He can be found rooting for his beloved Yankees and Giants and begrudgingly holds out hope his Rutgers Scarlet Knights will one day return to the NCAA Tournament. When that's not consuming him, he passes time quoting "Saved By the Bell" and making fun of his in-laws. You can follow him on Twitter.
Drew Weisholtz
Man Survives Brussels, Paris AND Boston Marathon Attacks
Depending on how you look at it, Mason Wells is either the luckiest unlucky person or the unluckiest lucky person.
Dancing Little Leaguer Is Super Pumped to Be on Base
This Little Leaguer busted out the kind of moves you'd expect to see from a wide receiver scoring a touchdown.
Behold What May Be the World’s Most Atrocious Haircut
Hair styles come and go, but here's one that never should have arrived.
IHOP’s ‘Robin Hood’ Waiter Arrested for Giving Away $3,000 in Free Drinks
There's a difference between free refills and free fills.
Little Boy Upstages Bride By Jumping on Her Dress While Walking Down the Aisle
At this wedding, it's safe to say this kid "trained" on the bride's parade.
25 Highest Paying Jobs in America for 2016 Will Make You Wish You Studied Harder
Money -- it's one of the most important things in life. You may not need a ton of it to be happy, but unless you're content calling a cave your home and living off the trees around you, you definitely need some of it.
Boy’s Ice Cream Brain Freeze Tantrum Will Melt Your Funny Bone
Brain freeze -- the chilled hazard of enjoying ice cream we all learn to cope with.
Israeli Soccer Match Features Bumbling Paramedics Dropping Player From Stretcher
The medical crew at this soccer match sure didn't achieve its goal.
Adorable Kid Devastated Parents Not Taking Him to Broccoli Farm
Most kids hate vegetables, but not Max.
Spotify Reveals the Perfect Playlist for Women in Labor
When welcoming a new life into the world, you need the essentials: a good doctor, patience, maybe an epidural...and a soundtrack that will keep your spirits up.