10 Reasons This List of the Most Boring Cities in Idaho Is Just Flat Out Wrong
When out-of-state friends and family members ask us what Idaho's like, we always beam with pride and tell them "there's ALWAYS something fun to do here." Whoever put together this list, clearly didn't agree with us.
Roadsnacks, a website dedicated to giving you "bite-sized pieces of infotainment about where you live" decided to put together a list of the 10 Most Boring Cities in Idaho. We were STUNNED to see Eagle in the top spot! If you live in or near Eagle, you know it's not true but seeing that label next to your hometown stings.

So how did they determine what cities in Idaho classified as "boring?" Their algorithm included the percentage of the population over 35, the percentage of married households, the percentage of households with kids and the percentage of households over 65. They also looked at the average age of each city and its population density.
We're here to prove why crunching the numbers this way led them down a really incorrect path! Here's a look at their top 5 most boring towns and why we think they got it wrong!