
Six Treasure Valley Activities for April
Six Treasure Valley Activities for April
Six Treasure Valley Activities for April
If your brood is anything like mine, the first thing the kids do when they walk in the door after school is grab the iPad or the Kindle. Spring is here, kids!  The Treasure Valley has plenty of things to do outside, and we're leavin' the house.  Here are just a few ideas.
Boise Is Doing Something Different For Groundhog Day
Each year on February 2nd we have to sit around and wait on Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania to know whether we're going to have more winter, or if spring will come early. Idaho has apparently had enough of that nonsense, plus winter has made us stir crazy.  So we're doing something new for Groundhog Day in Boise this year.
Spring Has Sprung In Boise
Spring Has Sprung In Boise
Spring Has Sprung In Boise
I know there are many different ways to determine when the season changes (outside of the official calendar), but I find one definite sign that Spring is here:  We use our patios.
What’s Your Sign?
What’s Your Sign?
What’s Your Sign?
This tiny thing blooming in my flower bed was my sign that snow, slop, ice and endless fuzzy grey inversion days are officially behind us.  Today will be record setting for me in two ways:
Happy Earth Day!  Is this a waste of water?
Happy Earth Day! Is this a waste of water?
Happy Earth Day! Is this a waste of water?
Happy Earth Day!  It was nice to feel the rain on my face this morning.  I love a good spring rain as it brings such a sweet, wonderful smell to the air. So this morning I'm looking out the studio window and I see some gentlemen washing our van...