How are things going with you and your significant other? Are you currently in the “doghouse?” I was scrolling through my feeds and saw that today is a very interesting day — it’s apparently National Get Out of the Doghouse Day...

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There are many ways to make amends, or, "get out of the doghouse, and National Today shares a few ideas in their description of the holiday. They focus on apologizing and forgiving each other, as well as the health benefits like reducing stress and blood pressure etc.

But I’d like to offer another suggestion... quality time outside of the home. That can look however you want it to look, and it can be whatever is best for the two of you — it definitely doesn’t have to be super expensive or complicated. What gifts should I buy? What are we going to do for a good date? Where will we eat? What picture will we get for Instagram?

Sometimes y’all just gotta turn off the noise and take things easy! Thankfully, we’re in Idaho, and we have a bunch of awesome nature trails and things to do nearby. Take advantage of this, and go spend some quality time with your special someone.

Here are 9 really simple and fun outdoor ideas to get outside with your significant other 👇

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