Shopping is good for us and necessary for our peace of mind. Anyone who wants to argue that point (eh husband), here are reasons why we NEED to shop.

We'll call it retail therapy. That way, it sounds more technical. Thanks to Elite Daily for this list of excuses reasons why we all need to get our shop on this Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Sunday.

  1. When you look good, you feel good. Those pants, the new curtains, those flattering boots? It all adds up to feeling better about ourselves.
  2. Shopping = Celebration. When you have the money to buy something you can actually afford, it's a time to give a little "Woo hoo" and self high-five for working hard and getting to the point where you can buy the things you want.
  3. New things signify transition. We're talking about that new outfit for your public speaking event or even shopping for a baby before they are born. Okay, this is legit stuff.
  4. It's 'me' time. You leave behind the things that are bugging you (and even the family who is bugging you) to spend some time alone with your thoughts and shopping for what you want.
  5. It has been scientifically proven. Researchers have found that the shopping experience AND what we pick out help relieve sadness. Can I get an amen?!!?!
  6. It's healthy. As winter keeps you indoors and craving that time in front of the fire watching TV and totally vegging out, shopping gets you moving. Think of all that cardio!

Call me an enabler or call me a saint. Either way, these are the facts, my friends. You're welcome.

Now, let's shop!

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